Wednesday, May 11, 2016

This'll Take a Whale to Finish: 20 Time Project, Final Reflection

For my 20 Time project, my goal was to build a website and design t-shirts to spread awareness about endangered species. I wanted to help the world as a whole (even though I realized that this is a great task that will take a long time). I had originally planned to do more than just two animals, but as I started working on the project I quickly realized that it took a lot more time to research, make webpages, and create designs than I had thought. This does not mean project is a failure -- I think that this is a project that is just getting started, and I hope to continue working on it such as during the summer when I do not have a lot of other things (i.e. school) that I have to deal with. If I had a chance to do this project again, I would plan out my time more carefully and keep to my schedule more strictly, especially when I do my research because sometimes I get distracted by all the interesting facts of all the interesting organisms out there. Next, I hope to continue this challenge as well as start sharing it with others.

For my final presentation, I want to start off asking people and discussing what most people think of when they hear the words "endangered species." Then, I will introduce my project and talk about what I did. Finally, I will conclude by saying that the project is still growing and tell people that they can come follow my progress if they want and that they can help by spreading the word also.

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