Monday, March 28, 2016

Triple P Project: 20 Time Project, Week 6

These past two weeks, I did a little bit of research about sea otters (Enhydra lutris) and how they were hunted to near-extinction but are now making a comeback. Sea otters are very important keystone species because they keep populations of sea urchins, which feed on kelp, in check. Without otters, urchin populations would explode, destroying the kelp that is the basis of kelp forest ecosystems.

I also worked on building my website. I am calling my project the "Triple P Project" -- I want to promote the protection of endangered species, and I hope that once people understand the importance of these species, they will proact (is that a word?) and take steps to stop species from becoming endangered in the first place. Does that name sound cheesy? Other name suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I really like your Triple P project, maybe you could say proactively combat the problem and ....
    Another species that you might want to talk about are certain type of dolphins that die because they get straggled in the plastic bags we throw out into the ocean.
    I can't wait to see all how you are going raise awareness for this very serious problem :)
