Thursday, March 17, 2016

Bee Aware: 20 Time Project, Week 4

Since the last update, I have started building my website and researching endangered species. For my first organism, I chose the rusty-patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis), a critically endangered species of bee native to the eastern half of the United States. I learned about how bees in general pollinate about 80% of the world's plants and 70% of our crops, holding up much of the world's ecosystems as well as our lives and economy. However, many native bee populations are declining in population due to human activity, such as pesticide use and habitat loss to agriculture. Bee populations are also declining due to something called colony collapse disorder (CCD), in which the worker bees simply leave the hive and their queen. There have been many hypotheses about what causes CCD -- from pathogens to pesticides to malnutrition -- but there has not yet been one single, scientifically-supported consensus.

Over the past few weeks, I have realized that doing one organism a week was too ambitious. I think taking two weeks to research an organism and create a design for it is more reasonable, and I will be better able to thoroughly research the organism.

I have also started thinking about how I would sell t-shirts. I know of several websites that freelance artists use to sell their work, since I don't have the time to actually manage a store on my own. I have found several good sites, but I don't think these sites allow printing designs on both the front and the back of a shirt as I had planned. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be a great help.

Someone also suggested that I make the t-shirts funny or entertaining so that more people will be interested and buy them. However, I'm not very good at making puns or jokes, so I'm not sure if I will actually do this.

Next week, I will start researching the sea otter (Enhydra lutris), which is native to the West Coast and closer to home than the rusty-patched bumble bee. Anyone got any good otter puns?


  1. I really like how you are bringing more awareness of endangered species. Sorry, I don't know any websites where you can design t-shirts:( but I can't wait to see further progress on your blog!

  2. One way to sell the t-shirts can be through a fundraiser in school.You can propose your idea to one of the STEM clubs and donate the earnings to a charity and/or nonprofit organization. Good luck on the rest of your project!

    1. Yes, selling t-shirts through school is a good idea, but it is obtaining the shirts first that is the problem. I also don't want to limit it to only people who come to this school, which was why I was trying to find good art-selling websites. Thanks for the comment!

  3. I've seen your art around the place and I love it! For the T-shirt, can I recommend making one where there's a collage of all the animals on it? I'd buy it!! As for otter puns, just look up "otter puns" and go to the image gallery for the search- there's a lot :)

    1. I will consider making a collage-like design, but it will probably be later on when I have more animals, though. And thanks for the enthusiasm, now I know that at least one person will buy stuff!
